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Team Q&A!

Can you organize your home by yourself? Most likely you can, but working with a professional organizer can get the job done so much faster and with way less stress. As organizers, we are able to look at your space with new set of eyes. Plus, after organizing countless homes over the past few years, we can implement solutions that are tried and true. We know a thing or two about organizing by now!

However, it can definitely be intimidating to have strangers come into your home (strangers who proceed to open up all the drawers and closets and go through your stuff!) We understand that! But we want you to know: we are just like you...We are all wives and moms, and we each face the same struggles that you do everyday in trying to keep up with all the things amidst the chaos of kids, school, and work.

The most important thing for you to know is that our team has always been – and always will be – judgement free. We treat every project like it’s for a good friend. We’ll laugh (and, sometimes, cry) with you, but we will always respect your home, your things, and your privacy.

I recently asked our team a few fun questions to help you get to know them a little bit better! My hope is that you enjoy learning about each of these fantastic women and that you would never feel intimidated but rather excited to have us come organize any space in your home!

The Questions:

1. What is your favorite type of space to organize?

Alison: Pantries and primary closets are my favorite! These are 2 spaces that are used daily, so getting them in order is a game-changer!

Sequoia: I love all things organizing but some of my favorite spaces to transform are primary closets and bathrooms. We are able to help our clients easily find the clothing and products that they need to start their day, as well as display special pieces in a beautiful way.

Hilary: I LOVE kids spaces and bathrooms! These are two areas that, with a proper system, really help to keep things flowing in your home! I'm always down for a good kitchen and pantry as well!

Kate: I really don't have a favorite space-I like to organize them all! Each space we walk into is a new "challenge" and no job is ever the same. I like working in a different type of space each week!

Audrey: I love to organize pantries! It’s so fun to see it all come together and become a functional space for the entire family to enjoy! 

Rachael: I love organizing a pantry!

2. What’s the best part of being an organizer?

Alison: Watching how our team can transform a space in a single day. With organization, you can see the results of your efforts almost immediately. The added bonus is knowing that we just removed a heavy burden for a very grateful client. I also love my amazing team and getting to work with them daily is the best!

Sequoia: The best part of being an organizer is seeing the joy on our clients' faces when the new space is revealed, and when we hear feedback about how much the process has helped them.

Hilary: My favorite part of being an organizer is knowing that we are helping a client lead a more functional and peaceful life. It's great to get to know the clients and implement a system that truly works for just them. Seeing the look on their face when they realize the relief that is lifted once everything is decluttered and in its "home" is truly the most wonderful feeling! 

Kate: The knowledge that I take away from each job, I try to practice in my own life! Since every job we go to is so different, I get a new perspective on so many spaces. Also, we have such a lovely team and I enjoy working with these ladies every week, not to mention our amazing clients as well!

Audrey: Seeing the joy, and sometimes relief, on the clients face after a space has been decluttered and organized! 

Rachael: Being able to see the weight lifted from the client's shoulders.  Having a disorganized home can weigh heavy on a person's "to do" list, and cause anxiety within the spaces that are supposed to be safe and relaxing.  It is so great to see a client's reaction when they see their spaces are organized and they can breathe.

3. Share a trick or method you used to stay organized at home:

Alison: Reset your house at the end of the day! This is the only way to stay on top of everything. If everything has a "home" then that just makes the process more simple!


  • Fold or hang clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer, and then put them away! This prevents the wrinkles that happen when they are just thrown into a laundry basket.

  • File fold clothes in drawers - makes things easier to find and uses less space than stacking.

  •  Label everything! This helps everyone in the household find what they need, and  helps to insure things are put back in their place.

  • Try to only keep the items in your home that are useful or beautiful, donate anything that doesn't fit into one category or the other.


  • Clean space, clean mind...the more cluttered your home, the more cluttered and anxious your brain is. It's science!

  • Don't put it down, put it away!

  • If it doesn't have a home, we either create one or we don't truly need it! 

  • Teach your kids while they are young to not keep everything and form an attachment to everything! This is one thing I work hard on with my kids! They each have 1 bin for sentimental items and whatever they bring home from school has to find a home or it goes away. Sounds savage, but their stuff builds quickly and they have become advocates for what's most important for them and what can go.

Kate: Once I get a space cleaned up and organized, I make sure to maintain the space. Keeping items picked up as I go and keeping countertops clutter free not only looks better, it FEELS better! I instantly feel more at peace when my space is organized!


Audrey: Everything has a spot! In our home, as soon as I walk in the door, I put things exactly where they go. We work hard at teaching our kids this as well, which makes for a much more peaceful home. Eliminating some chaos is definitely key!  Also, we do truly try to be as minimal as possible. 

Rachael: Just do one thing a day. Whether it be to organize one drawer or do one load of laundry.  Just one thing a day will add up.

4. What’s an area of your life you struggle to keep organized?

Alison: Don't even look in my garage. I blame my husband for this one:) It's more of a storage shed for outdoor equipment and bikes. But seriously, everyone has messy spaces in their house!

Sequoia: Paper! (Mail, schoolwork, filing, etc) I'm working on it...

Hilary: My closet! With 3 kids I'm always moving fast, so I'm constantly running in and out so quickly!

Kate: My kitchen pantry! With the constant flow of foods and snacks coming in and going out, it tends to get crazy in there!


Audrey: My bathroom! I wish this wasn’t so… but it just is. I’m definitely striving to be better in this area. 

Rachael: I often get paralyzed with overwhelm with all that has to be done, just like everyone else!   

5. What’s one thing you wish our clients knew?

Alison: We are here to help you and not to judge! Everyone always assumes that they are the only one with a messy closet or a pile of junk in their spare bedroom. The reality is that we all struggle with certain areas of our life, but it's totally okay to ask for help! Organizing is what we love to do!

Sequoia: One thing I wish our clients knew is that they do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about their situation. There are so many reasons that the organization of our homes may be lacking or happens! We are there to guide and encourage our clients throughout the process and help them create a home that they love!

Hilary: Never ever be embarrassed of your spaces and your stuff. It's our job to help you and we enjoy doing it! Nothing is ever too much for us to handle!

Kate: There are so many benefits to getting organized! It improves your mental and physical health by reducing stress, boosts productivity and focus, and gives you freedom to spend your time and energy on other things needing your attention. When you know what you have, where things are, and have a clear plan, you feel less overwhelmed and more at peace.

Audrey: Organizing bins, containers, trays and baskets are key for your spaces. Labeling takes it to the very next level, and trust me, you will be so very happy that you did! 

Rachael: How much we truly care. An organized home can be life changing for some...and I hope our clients see and feel that we are honored to help with that change.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know our team of organizers a bit better! We truly love our work and consider it a joy to get to work with our amazing clients. If you've been on the fence about getting organized, we'd love to help! You can schedule a phone call or a complimentary consultation by clicking the button below:


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